Within literacy, both Primary 5 classes are currently undertaking a modelling block to consolidate learning on the Active Literacy strategies through whole class work on novels. Primary 5 Room 9 are enjoying a Michael Morpurgo story, ‘This Morning I Met A Whale’ while Primary 5 Room 10 are exploring ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by the same author. The purpose of the AL strategies is to help the children come to a better understanding about the texts they are reading.
Alongside learning through the novels, Primary 5 will continue to deepen their understanding of the spelling strategies learned in Primary 4, such as syllabification and the common spelling rules.
In Numeracy, Primary 5 are improving their problem solving strategies. We are focussing on particular strategies this term in ‘Looking for a pattern’ and ‘Drawing a diagram/table’.
During Science lessons, the children have come to a better understanding of the Respiratory System and can now identify the various parts of the body needed to breathe.