Literacy- We are currently revising our phonics and common words before beginning our new learning. Each week our new phonemes and common words will be provided in the weekly diary.
The two genres for writing this term will be narrative and instructional. Children will be provided with the topic for writing at the beginning of the week and will have the opportunity to have a Talk Talk session with parents/guardians at home relating to the weekly topic of writing.
Children are enjoying their new reading books and should continue to use the home reader to develop their reading skills at home.
Numeracy- In problem solving we are exploring different strategies to solve a given problem. This term we will be applying the strategy of; Look for a Pattern and Act Out the Situation.
We are also working hard to further develop our knowledge of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and will be exploring the 3 times table.
We will also continue to work in our groups to complete daily tasks relating to our current and new learning.
Topic- This term, our classes will be learning all about Glasgow e.g. investigating famous Glaswegians, exploring the key features of the city and comparing and contrasting our current homes to the homes of the past.