Primary 4 have started off the new school year very well and are adjusting to life in the upper school! It is a very special year for us with us preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion.
· The class have started their new novel, ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark’ and have been introduced to the new reading strategies that we will become more familiar with as the year progresses.
· Our focus in writing this term will be recounts and reports. Any input or discussions about the forthcoming writing lessons would be greatly welcomed. Each week this will be highlighted in the children’s homework diaries (Talk Talk homework).
· The children are continuing with our learning of the phoneme families and common words.
· First News is a weekly newspaper that the children will also explore and discuss topical and current issues.
· Revision on the children’s current knowledge of the 2,3,5 and 10 times table has been a focus in the initial weeks with an introduction to the 4 times table. Weekly revision of these tables will allow the children to become more fluent in their tables.
· The children will be working through the numeracy programme which will include number and beyond number concepts (e.g - time, area, measure, weight).
· They will become more familiar with the problem solving strategies and use these to assist them in real life situations and problem solving activities.
· Electricity- the children have explored how to create simple circuits.
· Inheritance and characteristics - The children have been looking at inherited characteristics and family trees of some famous families!
· Scotland – The children will explore our beautiful country where they will be learning further about the cultures, languages, people, highlands to name a few.
The children have been learning about the Church’s year and the significance of the liturgical colours. They have also been learning new prayers which include our Grace Before and After Meals.