Primary 2 are currently consolidating the phonemes they learned in primary 1. They are working hard, remembering their strategies to help them spell tricky words.
The girls and boys are also working on their spelling words (words that are tricky to sound out) these are sent home in the word tubs, please try hard to practise these at home too.
So far in primary 2 the children have been enjoying a variety of reading styles. The children have been reading in their groups, independently and chorally. They have also been enjoying audio books and stories read by their teachers. Please remember to bring your own personal reading book for literacy hour on a Friday afternoon.
Since returning to school the children have been working on numbers to 20, subtraction, addition and counting on and back. We will continue to work on this alongside money (amounts to £1 and giving change from 20p), length (introducing using m) and weight (introducing using kg).
Our new topic will be Katie Morag & Scotland. The children are going to explore the Island of Struay and the different places on it. They will have the chance to learn about the school, post office and life on the island etc.
Through R.E. lessons this term the children will learn about relationships, friendships and being part of God’s family.