Within literacy, both Primary 5 classes are currently undertaking a modelling block to consolidate learning on the Active Literacy strategies through whole class work on novels. Primary 5 Room 9 are enjoying a Michael Morpurgo story, ‘This Morning I Met A Whale’ while Primary 5 Room 10 are exploring ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by the same author. The purpose of the AL strategies is to help the children come to a better understanding about the texts they are reading.
Alongside learning through the novels, Primary 5 will continue to deepen their understanding of the spelling strategies learned in Primary 4, such as syllabification and the common spelling rules.
In Numeracy, Primary 5 are improving their problem solving strategies. We are focussing on particular strategies this term in ‘Looking for a pattern’ and ‘Drawing a diagram/table’.
During Science lessons, the children have come to a better understanding of the Respiratory System and can now identify the various parts of the body needed to breathe.
Primary 5 will continue to participate in the Daily Mile the whole school undertake. Please ensure that the children have the appropriate footwear and clothing to take part as it is coming into the Winter period.
E.R.I.C (everyone reading in class) - Every Friday, the children will now be provided with the opportunity to read a book of their choice. If there is a particular genre/author that your child enjoys, please encourage them to bring books with them to school to share their learning and interest. It will be great fun!!!